Our world has problems.
It has a lot of problems. Some are minor, but others … not really.
In either case, we want to fix those problems. Problems are bad. But that is usually easier said than done.
In Chrono-Nautical, I use real science to try to find solutions. I explore things like how to make medicines more quickly, how to avert the looming disasters that climate change will bring, and many more. We’ll cover both cutting-edge solutions and things that we can start doing in the very near future — maybe even today.
If you want more detail about the science, Chrono-Nautical has you covered on that front, too. I explain complex science and technology by starting from the basics and gradually working up to an advanced level of understanding that you won’t get from many other places.
And I take reliability very seriously. Every article on this site has been thoroughly researched. And, unlike many other sources, I never oversimplify facts to the point where they’re wrong. If you want to fact-check something — or if you just want some further reading — check out the sources listed in every article.
One of those problems in the world is a problem with ideas and communication. A lot of people don’t realize that some of the problems we’re facing even exist. Some people don’t know how they can be fixed. And many people are curious about the world, but can’t satisfy their curiosity.
With Chrono-Nautical, I’m going to try to fix those problems.